Precompiled binaries are available for a variety of platforms at the JuliaBinaryWrappers HiGHS repository. Each includes library files for linking to external projects, and a stand-alone executable.

Installation instructions

To install, download the appropriate file and extract the executable located at /bin/highs.

  • For Windows users: if in doubt, choose the file ending in x86_64-w64-mingw32-cxx11.tar.gz

  • For M1 macOS users: choose the file ending in aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.gz

  • For Intel macOS users: choose the file ending in x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz

  • These files link against libstdc++. If you do not have one installed, download the platform-specific libraries from the JuliaBinaryWrappers CompilerSupportLibraries repository and copy all the libraries into the same folder as the highs executable.