Getting started

HiGHS can be cloned from GitHub with the command

git clone

Building HiGHS from source code

HiGHS uses CMake (minimum version 3.15) as a build system, and can use the following compilers

  • Clang clang
  • GNU g++
  • Intel icc

The simplest setup is to create a build folder (within the folder into which HiGHS has been downloaded) and then build HiGHS within it. The name of the build folder is arbitrary but, assuming it is HiGHS/build, the full sequence of commands required is as follows

cd HiGHS
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DFAST_BUILD=ON ..
cmake --build .

This creates the executable build/bin/highs.

Test build

To perform a quick test to see whether the compilation was successful, run ctest from within the build folder.



The default installation location may need administrative permissions. To install, after building and testing, run

cmake --install .

To install in a specified installation directory run CMake with the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX flag set:

cmake -DFAST_BUILD=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/highs_install ..
cmake --build .
cmake --install .