Install HiGHS

Compile from source

HiGHS uses CMake as build system, and requires at least version 3.15. Details about building from source using cmake can be found in HiGHS/cmake/

Install via a package manager

HiGHS can be installed using a package manager in the cases of Julia, Python, CSharp and Rust.

Precompiled Binaries

These binaries are provided by the Julia community and are not officially supported by the HiGHS development team. If you have trouble using these libraries, please open a GitHub issue and tag @odow in your question.

Precompiled static executables are available for a variety of platforms at

Multiple versions are available. Each version has the form vX.Y.Z. In general, you should choose the most recent versinon.

To install a precompiled binary, download the appropriate HiGHSstatic.vX.Y.Z.[platform-string].tar.gz file and extract the executable located at /bin/highs.

Do not download the file starting with HiGHSstatic-logs. These files contain information from the automated compilation system. Click "Show all N assets" to see more files.

Platform strings

The GitHub releases contain precompiled binaries for a number of different platforms. These are indicated by the platform-specific string in each filename.

  • For Windows users: choose the file ending in x86_64-w64-mingw32-cxx11.tar.gz
  • For M1 macOS users: choose the file ending in aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.gz
  • For Intel macOS users: choose the file ending in x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz