HiGHS.jl is a Julia package that interfaces with HiGHS.
HiGHS.jl has two components:
- a thin wrapper around the complete C API
- an interface to MathOptInterface
The C API can be accessed via HiGHS.Highs_xxx
functions, where the names and arguments are identical to the C API.
Install HiGHS as follows:
import Pkg
In addition to installing the HiGHS.jl package, this command will also download and install the HiGHS binaries. (You do not need to install or compile HiGHS separately.)
To use a custom binary, read the Custom solver binaries section of the JuMP documentation.
Use with JuMP
Pass HiGHS.Optimizer
to JuMP.Model
to create a JuMP model with HiGHS as the optimizer. Set options using set_optimizer_attribute
using JuMP
import HiGHS
model = Model(HiGHS.Optimizer)
set_optimizer_attribute(model, "presolve", "on")
set_optimizer_attribute(model, "time_limit", 60.0)
For more details, including a range of tutorials and examples using HiGHS, see the JuMP documentation.
Issues and feedback
HiGHS.jl is maintained by the JuMP community and is not officially maintained or supported by the HiGHS developers.
To report a problem (e.g., incorrect results, or a crash of the solver), or make a suggestion for how to improve HiGHS.jl, please file a GitHub issue at HiGHS.jl.
If you use HiGHS from JuMP, use JuMP.write_to_file(model, "filename.mps")
to write your model an MPS file, then upload the MPS file to https://gist.github.com and provide a link to the gist in the GitHub issue.
HiGHS.jl is a thin wrapper around the complete HiGHS C API.
As a basic example, we solve the model:
\[\begin{aligned} \min \quad & x + y \\ \textrm{subject to} \quad & 5 \le x + 2y \le 15 \\ & 6 \le 3x + 2y \\ & 0 \le x \le 4 \\ & 1 \le y \\ & y \in \mathbb{Z}. \end{aligned}\]
Here is the corresponding Julia code:
julia> using HiGHS
julia> highs = Highs_create()
Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007fc4557d3200
julia> ret = Highs_setBoolOptionValue(highs, "log_to_console", false)
julia> @assert ret == 0 # If ret != 0, something went wrong
julia> Highs_addCol(highs, 1.0, 0.0, 4.0, 0, C_NULL, C_NULL) # x is column 0
julia> Highs_addCol(highs, 1.0, 1.0, Inf, 0, C_NULL, C_NULL) # y is column 1
julia> Highs_changeColIntegrality(highs, 1, kHighsVarTypeInteger)
julia> Highs_changeObjectiveSense(highs, kHighsObjSenseMinimize)
julia> senseP = Ref{Cint}(0) # Instead of passing `&sense`, pass a Julia `Ref`
julia> Highs_getObjectiveSense(model, senseP)
julia> senseP[] == kHighsObjSenseMinimize # Dereference with senseP[]
julia> Highs_addRow(highs, 5.0, 15.0, 2, Cint[0, 1], [1.0, 2.0])
julia> Highs_addRow(highs, 6.0, Inf, 2, Cint[0, 1], [3.0, 2.0])
julia> Highs_run(highs)
julia> col_value = zeros(Cdouble, 2);
julia> Highs_getSolution(highs, col_value, C_NULL, C_NULL, C_NULL)
julia> col_value
2-element Vector{Float64}:
julia> Highs_destroy(highs)